Making homemade pasta in Italy is an ancient art. From fresh pasta dough you get tagliolini or tagliatelle, ravioli or tortellini and lasagna. Now we are going to show you how making homemade pasta is really easy,!
Mix well the eggs with the flours, incorporating them a little at a time, until everything is combined. Knead the pasta dough for about 10 minutes.
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Take a lump of pasta dough the size of a tennis ball and press it out flat with the palms of your hands.
Keep the rest of the dough wrapped in cling film to keep it soft.
Roll the lump of pasta dough through the widest setting of your pasta machine or pasta roller attachment.
Fold the pasta dough in half and then again in half.
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Roll the dough through all the remaining settings of your pasta machine, from the widest to the narrowest..
Now you have long strips of fresh pasta that you can use to make lasagna.
Every pasta maker machine has a useful tool for making tagliatelle or tagliolini. Therefore, flour the sheet of dough and pass it through the blades of your pasta machine.